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How To Make Potting Soil for Money Trees: 2 Easy Options

money tree plant in white pot

Money trees, while not trees, are attractive plants that provide a cool tropical feel in any room. One of the best reasons to like Money Trees, if you believe in Feng Shui at least, is that they bring positive energy and good fortune to their owner. Money Trees are also believed to help reduce your stress and help you get a better night’s sleep. Like all plants, Money Trees help purify the air, and if you’re a pet owner, you’ll be glad to know they’re pet-friendly.

One question many people have when they purchase a Money Tree is what type of soil they thrive in. If you’re a new Money Tree owner, you might also wonder how to make potting soil for your new plant. If so, we have step-by-step instructions, tips, and advice on making potting soil perfect for your money tree plant!

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Before You Start

Knowing the type of soil money trees prefer and the conditions that help them thrive before you start making potting soil for your plant is essential. First, money trees need well-draining potting soil that’s loamy and loose. The pH of their soil should be between 6 and 7.5, although money trees can survive a little higher and lower than these levels.

Perlite and vermiculite are both recommended for money tree plants, as well as coarse sand and peat moss. You can also add coco coir (aka coconut fiber) which is highly absorbent. These ingredients will keep the soil loose and give your money tree plant the best shot at growing to its full potential.

Money tree
Image Credit: suvian, Shutterstock

How to Make Money Tree Potting Soil

You may be surprised to find out just how easy it is to make potting soil for your money tree plant. You need only three ingredients, all of which can be found at your local garden center or big-box department store. Below are two recipes you can use that are ideal for any money tree.

  • Recipe 1: Peat moss, perlite, and coarse sand
  • Recipe 2: Coco coir, compost, and vermiculite
For either recipe, follow the below instructions.
  • Mix equal parts of all three ingredients so that you have enough to fill the pot you plan to use for your money tree.
  • Mix them thoroughly in a large plastic bucket.
  • Add a small amount of water to make the potting soil easier to blend and stick together. Don’t add so much that it becomes a dripping, sloppy mess.
  • Make enough potting soil to fill the pot, but leave about an inch of space at the top.

That’s it! You now have perfect potting soil that any money tree will love! You can make as much or as little as you need using either of the two recipes. Place any leftover potting soil into a thick plastic bag and seal it for the next time you need to re-pot your money tree plant.

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Why Is Soil Important to Your Money Tree?

The right potting soil will contain all the nutrients your money tree needs to grow strong and healthy. It will also retain the correct amount of water for your money tree’s roots and give them the most support. The pH level of your plant’s potting soil is also important, as it can improve (or worsen) your money tree. Lastly, perfect money tree potting soil controls harmful pests and plant diseases.

How Often Should You Re-pot a Money Tree?

Money tree plants can thrive in the same soil for several years, but shifting to a larger pot will be necessary as they grow larger. Plant experts recommend repotting your money tree every 3 to 4 years, which will add some new soil to the old. Between repotting your plant, you can add fertilizer during the spring and summer.

The Pot You Choose Makes a Difference

With a deeper pot, you can put 1 to 2 inches of small pebbles or rocks on the bottom before filling the rest with potting soil. Doing this will protect the all-important roots of your money plant from sitting in excess water and rotting, which, as you might imagine, is not good for the plant.

Money Tree
Image Credit: t.sableaux, Shutterstock

Signs Your Potting Soil Isn’t Good for Your Money Tree

Making potting soil for a money tree, as we’ve seen, is relatively simple. However, sometimes things don’t go well for some reason, and the soil doesn’t take care of your money tree as well as it should. If your money tree’s soil isn’t cutting it, you’ll start to see some of the signs below.

The Soil Mix Is Poor

The leaves of your money tree will start to droop if your soil mix is poor and doesn’t give it enough nutrients. Watering the plant won’t help, either, because it’s not a water problem. Changing the soil or adding fertilizer will usually solve the problem.

The Soil Is Holding Too Much Water

If the soil holds too much water, it will negatively affect the roots and cause the money tree to look unhealthy, with the same drooping leaves that turn brownish in color. The solution here is to add vermiculite or perlite to make the potting soil mixture lighter.

The Soil Isn’t Holding Enough Water

The same drooping leaves can occur when your potting soil can’t hold its water well. This problem usually happens when there are too many large particles in the soil, so changing to smaller particles should solve the problem.

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Final Thoughts

As you’ve seen, making potting soil for a money tree plant is easy and shouldn’t take you any time at all. You only need three ingredients, and you’ll be ready to plant. Remember to keep the soil loose and loamy, and choose a pot that has drainage holes. That way, water will drain away, and your money tree’s roots will grow healthy and strong. Best of luck making your own money tree potting soil and growing a money tree that brings you good luck and joy for many years!

See also: Is My Money Tree Dying (8 Signs to Look For)

Featured Image Credit: Negin Minaei, Shutterstock


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