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10 Car Accident Statistics and Facts in the US – 2023 Update

Car accident

Note: This article’s statistics come from third-party sources and do not represent the opinions of this website.

Driving is a fun activity. If you’re in love with cars, nothing beats the feeling of hitting the road in a new car and feeling the acceleration! You can easily get addicted to driving. The enormous pleasure that driving gives us often creates a misconception that it’s safe.

But with all the fuss, accidents take place sometimes. Some of them could be fatal. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. The number of road accidents has increased in the last few years. Besides, car accidents have become a leading cause of fatality in the United States.

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divider 5 Top 10 Car Accident Statistics and Facts in the US

  1. There are more than 38,000 fatalities caused by car accidents in the US every year.
  2. 33% of all fatal car accidents in the US take place at night.
  3. About a third of all fatal car crashes involve drunk driving.
  4. In 2019, more than 600 children under 12 died in car accidents.
  5. Michigan has the lowest rate of car accidents.
  6. Texas has the highest number of men involved in car accidents in the US.
  7. Kentucky has the highest number of teens involved in car accidents.
  8. The average cost of a car accident is $9,500 in medical expenses, lost work time, and property damage.
  9. In the US, 9% of teenage car accidents are caused by distracted driving.
  10. The most common type of car crash involving young drivers aged 16 to 21 is colliding with fixed objects such as guardrails, utility poles, trees, and embankments.
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Fatalities due to Car Accidents in the US

1. There are more than 38,000 fatalities caused by car accidents in the US every year.


Car accidents in the US cause many fatalities. It’s a serious problem, and it is not unique to the US. When looking at car accidents by year statistics, 1.25 million people die in road traffic crashes globally.

The good news is several different vehicle technologies are being developed to reduce traffic accidents. They include preventive braking systems, automobile black box recorders, and self-steering cars. Still, none of these are as effective as a driver safety system known as Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB).

Car accident
Image Credit: Pixabay

2. 33% of all fatal car accidents in the US happen at night.


Car accidents happen at night because the human body is not adapted to driving at night. Drivers do not see as well at night. It makes driving much more dangerous.

Also, they’re less likely to notice dangers such as other vehicles or pedestrians. A driver’s reaction time is also slower at night. So, they’re more likely to cause an accident.

3. About a third of all fatal car crashes in the US involve drunk driving.


Many people assume that if they’re not over the legal limit of 0.08, they have nothing to worry about. The truth is that it doesn’t take much to impair your driving skills.

The reason for this is that alcohol affects each person differently. The best way to protect yourself from a DUI is not to drink at all if you plan on driving. This way, you’ll be more alert on the road.

Car accident
Image Credit: Pixabay

4. In 2019, more than 600 children under 12 died in car accidents.


Recent statistics have shown that several hundred deaths of children under the age of 12 resulted from road accidents. These accidents mostly result from driver distraction, speeding, and drunk driving.

The most common place for these accidents is on major highways, streets, and rural areas. Car accidents are also more likely to occur during the spring and summer seasons than other seasons.

Parents must be aware of these facts and statistics. This way, they can take necessary precautions to prevent their children from being involved in car accidents and possibly losing their lives.

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Car Accidents by State in the US

5. Michigan has the lowest rate of car accidents.


Michigan has the lowest rate of car accidents in US at 6.18%. The state’s low accident rate is attributed to constant police presence on the streets and highways.

Travelers are also reminded to drive cautiously because of snow and ice, which often make the roads slippery.

Michigan also has only one traffic light per thousand people, a factor that contributes to its low accident rate. The other states with a low rate of car accidents in the US are New Mexico, Nevada, Mississippi, and Oklahoma.

6. Texas has the highest number of men involved in car accidents in the US.


A study conducted by TXDOT shows that Texas has the highest number of men being involved in car accidents. This is attributed to the fact that Texas happens to be among the most populated states.

The study also stated that men are more likely to have an accident than women. There are 10% more men who had an accident than women in Texas.

Further, men between the ages of 16-25 are more likely to have accidents than any other age group. According to the study, they lack experience behind the wheel. Also, they drive faster than other people do.

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Image Credit: Pixabay

7. Kentucky has the highest number of teens involved in car accidents.


In the United States, teen car accidents are more common in Kentucky than other states. The number of teens involved in car accidents in Kentucky is nearly double the national average.

Many teens look forward to driving and are impatient to learn. However, not everyone can pass their driving test on the first try. Many people fail many times before passing it. So, if you want to be a good driver, you need to practice patience.

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Causes of Car Accidents and Damages

8. The average cost of a car accident is $9,500 in medical expenses, lost work time, and property damage.


It’s hard to think about car accidents as being anything other than a terrible life-changing event. But the truth is that the costs associated with a car accident are far more than you might think.

The expenses include medical bills, lost work time, and property damage. The average price tag comes out to $9,500.

Car accidents can cause both personal and financial troubles for victims. Besides medical expenses and property damage, victims can lose work time and income.

9. In the US, 9% of teenage car accidents are caused by distracted driving.


Distracted driving is doing something that pulls your attention away from the road while on the wheel. It is one of the leading causes of car accidents among teens. If you are driving while distracted, you are putting yourself, your passengers, and other drivers on the road in danger.

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Image Credit: Pixabay

10. The most common type of car crash involving young drivers aged 16 to 21 is colliding with fixed objects. They include guardrails, utility poles, trees, and embankments.


One of the most common car crashes on highways is when your vehicle collides with fixed objects. This type of accident accounts for about 20 percent of all fatal crashes in the US.

No matter how often you drive on the highway, if you are not careful enough, you can collide with such things as guardrails and trees.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Car Accidents in the US

What is the leading cause of car accidents in the US?

The leading cause of car accidents in the US is distracted driving. It includes texting and talking on the phone while behind the wheel, which increases in the risk of crashing.

Also, some accidents are caused by mechanical failure, while others will be traceable to driver error. All of them may have a profound impact on your car insurance rates.

Weather conditions are something you should also be aware of. Rain, snow, or fog can make driving difficult, especially if you’re not used to driving in those conditions.

Blind spots also pose a threat to your safety while on the road. If you don’t pay attention, you may not see another driver trying to pass you or change lanes in front of you.

Other drivers may also be a factor if they’re not paying attention. Some drivers are distracted by passengers or their cell phones. So, they don’t notice what’s happening ahead of them because they’re looking at something else.

Another common cause of auto accidents is speeding. A driver may be going fast without realizing that he or she is approaching a curve, making them lose control over the vehicle and crash into another car.


What is the three-second rule when driving in the US?

The three-second rule is a rule of thumb that many drivers use to determine if they have enough time to pass another vehicle and avoid an accident. It states that you should pass another car only if you can count three seconds.

Three seconds is the time needed for your front bumper to pass the rear bumper of the car in front of you.

It’s not a law but an informal guideline used by many drivers. California state law requires drivers to pass at a safe distance. It can be more or less than three seconds. It depends on various factors, including speed, road conditions, and weather.


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Image Credit: Pixabay

What time do most car accidents take place in the US?

In the US, most car accidents happen between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm. It’s the time when most people are driving to or from work.

Most fatal crashes occur on Thursday and Friday, while Saturday and Sunday have the lowest fatalities.

The fact that more fatal accidents occur on Thursdays than any other day is attributed to drivers being more tired. On Thursdays, it is common for people to make multiple trips. For example, they may be driving to work, dropping off kids at school, picking up groceries, and doing errands. All this wears drivers down.

Also, in the afternoon, people are more prone to drowsiness caused by biological changes such as dropping blood sugar levels and increasing internal body temperature. Many automobile accidents take place during these times because human attention becomes lowered.


Does car insurance cater to all types of car accidents in the US?

No matter how careful you are, car accidents can happen. It’s why most drivers carry some form of auto insurance. But what happens if you have an accident that’s not your fault? Does your insurance pay for damages to your vehicle and injuries sustained by the other party?

The answer is yes, but only up to a certain point. If you’re involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, it’s still possible that you’ll bear some of the cost. Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself from paying more than necessary when someone else gets into a wreck.

Car insurance companies in the US provide insurance coverage for car accidents as defined by state laws. We recommend contacting your local Department of Motor Vehicles. They’ll determine what is covered because every state’s laws are different.


Do you need to contact an attorney if you’re involved in a car accident?

If you’ve been in a car accident, you might be entitled to compensation for medical bills and temporary or permanent disability. Unfortunately, some insurance companies may try to avoid paying out on these claims by questioning your integrity.

To combat this, contact a lawyer who can help defend your claim and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Trying to handle an insurance claim on your own can result in missed opportunities and even legal problems. The first responders at the accident scene will want you to sign a form.

These forms are designed to give the insurance company information on the car accident.

Insurance companies would rather pay out less money than more. They know that it’s easier to settle out of court than in court. So, they will offer you money now rather than risk paying much more later on.


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Image Credit: Pixabay

What should you do if a driver flees from a car accident scene?

Most people understand that they should remain at the scene of an accident they have caused. This way, they’ll exchange necessary information with other involved parties.

Some accidents happen fast, and the driver flees from the scene before exchanging information. But, this does not change how much of an offense fleeing the scene is.

In most cases, the police will track down the driver who fled. The offender who flees can be charged with a hit and run. It’s becoming more common in the US.


Can you file a claim if you’re the passenger in a car accident in the US?

If you are a passenger in a car accident and have been injured, you will have to prove that the driver was negligent. Negligence is when someone fails to act as a reasonable person.

The driver should be driving as safely as possible at all times. If they fail to do so, they could be held liable for your injuries if they were speeding or distracted behind the wheel.

In most cases, passengers may not get compensation for damages from drivers who are at fault in an accident unless there is evidence that these drivers were acting recklessly or negligently behind the wheel.


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How to Prevent Road Accidents

Car accidents still occur in the US because drivers often fail to follow basic safety rules.

Many car accidents are caused by speeding and tailgating. The safest way to drive is to maintain a safe distance from other cars when you’re driving on highways and city roads.

Keep at least two seconds of distance between your car and the cars around you. Do this is by keeping your eyes on the road ahead of you and checking your rearview mirror frequently.

Distracted driving causes countless fatal car accidents each year. If you do anything that takes your attention away from driving, you will likely be involved in a car accident. You should use a hands-free device to talk on a cell phone while driving.

Additionally, drivers need to be more aware of the road conditions around them so they can avoid potential hazards on the way. Keep your eyes open for anything that may come up ahead, such as potholes or broken glass. Also, watch out for slippery leaves and ice on the road when it’s raining outside.

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There have been far too many deaths related to these tragic events involving auto accidents, and it’s something we’re hoping to avoid. From driver awareness to safe roads, there are several ways we can work together to decrease the number of people dying in car accidents in the US.

Car accidents can have serious consequences financially, legally, and physically. Fortunately, there are resources available to help you avoid or minimize the risk of being involved in a car crash.

With the facts and statistics above, you are better equipped with the knowledge to help you drive safely and avoid getting into accidents.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay


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