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5 Best Commercial Juicers of 2023 – Reviews & Top Picks

a commercial juicer

a commercial juicer Finding a juicer for personal use is fairly straight-forward. However, finding the right juicer for your commercial purpose is a completely different story. These juicers are more expensive, have fewer reviews, plus it’s extremely essential that they can live up to the demands of your business.

That’s why we’ve gone out and done the hard work for you.  The result of our reviews is laid out here for you to read through.  We’ve compared the models, done the research, and come up with an easy format for giving you concise information that you can use to make your decision.  Read on to discover which juicer best fits your commercial needs.

A Quick Look at our Favorites of 2023

Rating Image Product Details
Best Overall
  • Dry pulp
  • Quiet
  • Stylish
  • Second place
    Superland Commercial Superland Commercial
  • Easy to operate
  • Large capacity output
  • Commercial grade materials
  • Best Value
    Third place
    Breville 800JEXL Elite Breville 800JEXL Elite
  • Works fast
  • Easy to clean
  • Solid construction
  • Champion G5- PG710 Champion G5- PG710
  • Easy to operate
  • Solid construction
  • Excellent features
  • OrangeA WF-A3000 OrangeA WF-A3000
  • Easy to operate
  • Works fast
  • The 5 Best Commercial Juicers

    1. HUROM HZ Masticating Commercial Juicer – Best Overall

    HUROM HZ Slow Juicer

    The Hurom HZ stainless steel juicer is quiet, stylish, and compact.  It runs at a slow and quiet 43 RPM. An auger (rather than spinning blades) does the work, thus avoiding the noise pollution which traditional juicers make.  The pulp that comes out of this machine is as close to bone-dry as is humanly possible.  You’re not going to lose any juice with this machine, and the juice that comes out will taste like it was hand-squeezed.

    This juicer produces commercial-grade results in a machine that is simple to use and clean.  The customer service behind it is great and it comes with a 10-year motor warranty.  You probably won’t need the warranty though because this machine is solidly constructed.  You’ll get years of worry-free results from this juicer.

    The slow RPM produces great results but the trade-off is one the manufacturer is upfront about – it’s slower than most other juicers.  There’s nothing hidden here, so this juicer definitely earned its place as the top pick on the list.

    • Quiet
    • Stylish
    • Dry pulp
    • Solid construction
    • Good customer service
    • Slower than most juicers

    2. Superland Commercial Orange Juicer

    Superland Commercial Orange Machine

    The Superland juicer can be set up in about twenty minutes.  It runs through 20-22 oranges per minute, cranking out 4-7 glasses of juice per minute so you’re able to produce all the juice you need for a restaurant juice, drink shop, or smoothie bar.  It’s compact enough to take on the road in a food truck or set up for special events.  You’ll be a hit with this machine backing you up.

    It’s easy to operate and clean which means minimal downtime in your business.  Because it is stainless steel and PC plastic it’s antiseptic, reducing worries.  This juicer’s commercial grade construction ensures that it will stand up under heavy, continuous use.

    Unfortunately, the manual is horrible—nearly useless, in fact.  Fortunately, this machine is so easy to use you really don’t need the manual.  Additionally, it doesn’t have any built-in method of measuring the output volume, something you’d expect to find on a machine of this caliber.

    This is a great juicer that’s kept out of the top spot by only a couple of minor issues.

    • Short assembly time
    • Easy to operate
    • Large capacity output
    • Commercial grade materials
    • Horrible manual
    • Lacks volume measurement

    3. Breville 800JEXL Juicer – Best Value

    Breville 800JEXL Elite

    The Breville juicer is all stainless steel and titanium.  It has two speeds, a large capacity pulp container, and even larger capacity juice collector.  It works fast so there’s no waiting around.  It’s easy to clean.  Some of the parts are dishwasher safe, which really makes it simple.

    It looks thoroughly professional in every way.  You won’t be embarrassed to have it on the kitchen counter.  It might even be a showpiece.

    However, there are a few things that keep it out of the running for the top two places on the list.  Replacements are always out of stock.  Wait times for parts can become unusually lengthy.  The Breville is also fairly noisy compared to the first two machines.

    Worst, it doesn’t age well.  As time goes by, this machine begins to leak excessively and no amount of repairs or fiddling is able to stop it.  Juice and pulp spill out and make a huge mess.  If a one-to-two-year lifespan is acceptable to you, then this might be the machine for you.

    • Solid construction
    • Works fast
    • Easy to clean
    • Parts out of stock
    • Leaks
    • Noisy

    4. Champion Juicer PG710

    Champion Juicer G5- PG710

    This juicing machine from Champion is a commercial grade juicer.  Although it has some excellent features and capabilities, it also has some serious issues which keep it in fourth place.  The good news is that it’s very solidly constructed, and it’s easy to clean.

    This machine overheats badly, defeating the main purpose of doing your own juicing. Why? Because heat destroys the enzymes and nutrients contained in fresh juice.

    Another major problem is the way it handles leafy greens and soft fruits – it doesn’t.  This juicer only works well with hard fruits and vegetables.  Carrots work fine for instance.  But soft fruits and vegetables are difficult to push through, and the fibers constantly clog the machine.  Once that happens, the “easy” cleaning suddenly becomes a nightmare.  So this machine is both easy and hard to clean depending on what you put in it.

    Finally, there’s quite a bit of pulp in the juice.  If you want pulp that’s fine, but this machine is advertised as producing clean juice.  This juicer has some nice points but the negative aspects outweigh them, keeping it in fourth place on the list.

    • Easy to operate
    • Solid construction
    • Hard to clean
    • Doesn’t handle soft fruits and vegetables
    • Bad overheating problem
    • Pulp in the juice

    5. OrangeA Commercial Citrus Juicer

    OrangeA WF-A3000 Citrus Juicer

    The OrangeA WF-A3000 juicer looks like a heavy-duty beast at first glance but on closer inspection, it turns out to be a lemon.  It works fast and is easy to operate, but that’s about it.

    This machine is unable to handle fruits that are high in water content.  Most of the juice winds up in the catch tray with the pulp.  This is very disappointing and a waste of good fruit.

    This machine also has a heat problem.  It heats up too fast and too high, ruining the enzymes and nutrients in the fruit.  This defeats the whole purpose of juicing at home.

    The screen clogs swiftly.  Once that happens you’re in for a lengthy and messy cleaning process.  If you don’t clean it right then and there, you’ll wind up getting applesauce instead of juice.  Because the screen clogs so quickly, you’ll be spending most of your time cleaning instead of juicing.

    The small hole on top makes it difficult to introduce fruits and vegetables into the juicer.  You have to do a lot of preparation work before you can use the juicer.  This takes a lot of the convenience out of it.

    • Easy to operate
    • Can’t handle soft fruits
    • Overheats
    • Clogs
    • Hard to clean
    • Small entry hole

    Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose the Best Commercial Juicer

    Something to keep in mind when deciding on a commercial juicer is the volume produced versus the time required to produce it.  Slow doesn’t necessarily mean bad.  If you run a restaurant, juice bar, or other establishment and have some preparation time available before your customers start coming in, a slow juicer that delivers consistent, high-quality juice might be just the thing for you.

    If you have a high volume of business, then obviously you’ll need the fastest machine you can get your hands on.  But you can’t sacrifice quality just to push drinks out the door.  Make sure you’re getting a juicer that can handle the load while delivering the results your customers demand.

    If you’re buying a juicer for home use, the slower machine will probably work just as well for you as the faster one.  It’s a bit of a toss-up depending on your unique requirements.

    Important things to consider

    Considering the amount of money you’ll pay for even the lowest-priced juicer on this list, the warranty coverage is an important issue to look at.  Read the fine print before you open your wallet.  If the manufacturer doesn’t want to make the details of their warranty available to you before you buy, maybe there’s a reason for it.  Be very suspicious of any company that won’t let you read the warranty ahead of time.

    Another thing to pay attention to when you’re purchasing a high-dollar item like a juicer is customer support and parts availability.  All machines break down sooner or later; it’s just a fact of nature.  Therefore, you’ll need to know that the manufacturer has the parts on hand to fix them in a timely fashion.  If you take your car to the mechanic and hear that the tires for it are on back-order, chances are you’ll be upset.  The same thing is true here.  Make sure the company has the parts available to repair your juicer when—not if—it breaks down.

    The other part of this equation is customer service.  The best-stocked warehouse in the world is useless if the customer service department gives you the runaround.  Keep that in mind when making your decision.

    What makes a good juicer?

    The number one issue that determines the quality of a juicer is the pulp.  The drier the pulp that comes out of it, the more juice you’re getting.  Stiff, straw-like pulp packed tightly together indicates a good juicer.  Take some of the pulp and squeeze it between your fingers as hard as you can.  If you can’t get any more juice out of it, you’ve got a good machine on your hands.

    Wet, loose pulp, on the other hand, is a bad sign.  If you pick up the pulp and wind up with juice running down your fingers, you should probably return the machine as quickly as possible.  The longer you keep it, the harder it will be to convince the customer service department to refund your money.

    If an applesauce-looking juice (with a thick gooey consistency) comes out of the machine, that’s even worse.  The pulp is coming through the screen.  This usually means the screen doesn’t have a fine enough mesh on it or it’s broken.  Either answer is a cause for concern.

    Clear juice usually means that you have a good juicer that’s catching all the pulp, while cloudy juice suggests exactly the opposite.

    Look for a juicer that’s quiet.  No one wants to feed fruits and vegetables into a machine that sounds like a 747 getting ready to take off.  This is especially true in a restaurant or juice bar environment.  People want to talk while they’re in your establishment, and noisy equipment is the quickest way to drive them out.  That’s bad for business.  The noise a juicer makes may not be directly related to the quality of juice it produces, but a quiet machine is the sign of good engineering.  The better the engineering, the longer it will last.

    Tips when buying

    Due to the price range of most juicers, shipping usually won’t be a problem.  Most online companies will include free shipping for any purchase over some baseline amount.  Keep an eye on it though.  Some companies have little extra add-ons that can catch you off guard.

    Double-check the taxes.  If you’re in the same state as the warehouse the item is shipping from, you might find yourself paying a hefty sales tax you hadn’t planned on.  Shop around.  Competition for your business is fierce and you might be able to get a retail company that won’t charge you sales tax to price match a company that will.  It never hurts to ask and you just might save yourself some money.

    Available Options

    Glass bottles with leak-proof caps are a good, and inexpensive, investment to make when you’re getting a commercial grade juicer.  You’re obviously planning on juicing more than a couple pieces of fruit.  You’ll need a quality container to store your juice in and glass bottles are the best there is.

    Silicon sleeves for your bottles are relatively inexpensive. They also provide a wonderful way to improve your grip to prevent bottles from slipping and breaking on the floor.  Throw a few in with your order while you’re at it.

    Don’t forget some extra cleaning brushes too.  Many companies will toss a brush or two in the box with your juicer but the fact is, brushes won’t last as long as your stainless steel machine will.  Spend a little extra to get a few more up front and you’ll never have to worry about a lost or broken brush ruining your day (or your expensive juicer).  You’ll also find a number of good bottle cleaning brushes displayed alongside the juicers, either online or in a brick-and-mortar store.


    Our reviews led to the HUROM HZ Slow Juicer as the top pick in the commercial juicer category.  The quality of the juice it produces is top-notch, the construction is solid, it’s remarkably quiet, and it’s easy on the eyes.  You’ll get many years of use and enjoyment out of this machine.

    In the “best for the money” category is the Breville 800JEXL Elite.  Its professional appearance, large capacity pulp container, and larger capacity juice collector, combined with a very reasonable price, make this a solid choice.  It’s not quite up to the standards of the top pick, but for the price, it’s a winner.

    All of this just goes to show that the abundance of commercial juicers available on the market today can be whittled down to a handful that are worth considering.  Our reviews have shown you where to look for the model and price that can deliver the value you prefer.  Regardless of what you’re looking for, this list can help you find it.

    More juicing guides:


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