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How Many Miles Do Motorcycle Tires Last? What You Need To Know!

motorcycles parked outdoor

A motorcycle tire can last up to 3,000–15,000 miles on average. However, professional motorcycle tires can go for less than 100 miles on a track day. This clearly shows that the number of miles a motorcycle tire covers depends on the quality of tires, performance of the bike, your riding style, road conditions, etc.

Note that as you ride, the tire reduces friction and offers less resistance. The last thing a biker needs is a blown tire when riding at high speed. This can be disastrous to both the rider and the bike. It is safer if you know when to replace your tires so that you get the most out of every tire you are using. Inspect and change them regularly. Once you notice any damage, see the mechanic.

This article will talk more about motorcycle tire mileage, lifespan, and other related questions to help you get the most from your tires.

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Factors Affecting the Number of Miles Covered By Motorcycle Tires

The number of miles covered by motorcycle tires given above is relative. Various factors will affect the outcome, as seen below:

1. The Quality of the Tires

motorcycle parked in pathway
Image Credit: Piqsels

The rule of the thumb when it comes to the miles on a motorcycle tire is “the higher the performance, the fewer the miles.” This is why touring tires are more durable than special motorcycle racing tires.

Nevertheless, keeping safety in mind, it is highly advised that you always choose good quality tires for higher performance even when your riding style is not competitive.

Tires will keep you on the road. They heat up very first and give the best grip possible.

2. Type and Performance of the Motorcycle

motorcycle travelling at high speed
Image Credit: Pixabay

This is another major factor that affects motorcycle tires’ mileage heavily. Before buying your tires, ensure you check on the motorcycle’s weight, type, and performance.

The higher the motorcycle’s performance engine, the fewer miles you will get on its tires. Moreover, a heavy motorcycle that may pull a trailer will definitely lower the lifespan of the tires.

Therefore, the tires of street bikes with high performance wear out faster than any other type with two wheels. Normally, the tires on these motorcycles will last for about 1,500-7,000 miles.

On the contrary, lighter touring motorcycle tires should last 10,000 to 15,000 miles.

3. Riding Habits

man riding in motorcycle
Image Credit: SAVA86, Pixabay

If you want to get the most out of your motorcycle tires, you should attack them lightly. It is common for bikers to be more aggressive in their riding style. This lowers the expected number of miles your tires should get. But with moderate usage, you can ride on the same tires throughout the entire season.

Aggressive riding can damage several sports tires in a single day. You can destroy your tires in minutes with some frazzle. Strains are bad for your motorcycles as they can cause damage in many ways.

You can also wear tires out a lot faster if you do lots of starts and stops. It is much easier on tires if you drive on long highways. This is the reason why tires last much longer on smaller commuting motorbikes than their high-performance counterparts made for adrenaline rushes.

4. Road and Weather Conditions

man riding on a motorcycle
Image Credit: Piqsels

Weather and road conditions are significant factors affecting the number of miles a motorcycle can last. When the climate is warmer, you should expect higher road temperatures that heat the tires, thus reducing their lifespan. But on the contrary, warmer tires provide a better grip.

The condition of the surface of the road is also essential. Motorcycle tires are damaged much faster when the road is chip sealed and has grooved concrete since the surface is very rough. If you are always riding on such roads, you do not expect the tires to last the average mileage.

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Signs the Tires Have Attained Maximum Mileage

Inspecting your tires should be part of your daily routine before taking a ride. Bike tires are vulnerable to abuse and wear from road surfaces. If you run over debris or hit a pothole, pull over first to check your tires.

That said, it is crucial to know when your tire has run its maximum mileage based on the conditions mentioned above. Below are the telltale signs that your tires are tired.

  • Fractures, cracks, and cuts. Check for cracks on the sidewalls or the treads. They usually develop when the tire is aging. Fractures show that the tire is failing. Cuts are from bumps in the road. If your tire has any of these signs, replace it.
  • Punctures are either from running over a nail or other sharp objects. You can plug a thin puncture in the thread. This fix is a temporary solution. Consider replacing it. Sidewall puncture, on the other hand, cannot be repaired.
  • Motorcycle handles. If you notice any change on the handles, it may stipulate that your tires are wearing out. Sudden sensations when braking or cornering and vibration on a smooth straight pavement are signs of a worn tread. Inspect the tires or hire a tire professional.
  • It is very crucial to check if the tire’s tread is left on the tires. The depth of the treads depends on where you are coming from. There are federal, provincial, or state regulations that specify the particular treads you are using. The depth is normally between 1/32 and 2/32 of the remaining tread. In many cases, the middle part of the tire wears out faster since it comes into contact with the road surface the most. Ensure you check for the recommended tread depth minimum before buying tires.
man checking motorcycle tire
Image Credit: Piqsels

In addition to understanding when to check if your tires need replacement, you also have to learn how to read tire sizes. Most of the requirements are often molded into the sidewall on your tires in either metric or alpha-numeric.

Be sure to be armed with this information to avoid getting the wrong tire size.

Related Read: How Many Volts Is A Motorcycle Battery? What You Need To Know!

How Long Do Motorcycle Tires Last?

Motorcycle tire mileage and lifespan go hand in hand. One translates to the other. If you ride the tire in the right conditions, the lifespan in years depends on the miles covered per day.

That said, motorcycle tires can last for about five years. Because rubber is prone to aging, manufacturers advise replacing both of them after five years. If you use the same tires for over five years against the recommendations, you should have them inspected annually by a professional.

However, do not use motorcycle tires for more than ten years even if they haven’t reached their limit and seem to work correctly.

Tips to Extend Motorcycles Tires’ Lifespan
  • Rotate your tires often. Do this at least once a month or after every 5000 miles. This typically ensures that the tires wear out evenly and last longer.
  • Ensure you maintain the correct pressure by checking it monthly through the exact gauge. Motorcycle tires should be inflated properly when cold. Be keen on the load the bike is carrying when inflating. Riding with heavy luggage or passengers need higher cold pressure. Do not exceed the maximum pressure recommended on the sidewall.
  • Inspect your tires regularly. Long rides expand tires. Check for abnormal wear and tears on them. This may show problems with your steering system or other issues you are not aware of yet.
  • Slow down when riding in the rain. Wet weather increases the distance three times more than when in dry weather.
  • See how the tires are inflated. They have a good grip when riding straight. However, when turning, it is different. Be on the lookout for any irregular wear on the tires, which can show a problem in your riding techniques or the machine set up.
  • Clean your motorcycle tires often. When cleaning, pressure wash them. Do not use hot water. If you cannot wash salt stains off, use baking soda mixed with vinegar. You can also purchase car detergent to clean the stains. Always be cautious when applying strong chemicals. Ensure they do not get into your tires.
  • Before storage, ensure you maintain the recommended pressure, align the wheels, do visual checks and finally store them properly. This small step can help make a big difference.
motocycle with new tire
Image Credit: Piqsels

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If you are lucky, you can get up to 15,000 miles on motorcycle tires, but you can also destroy it completely on a single track day or with some frazzle. This is because the number of miles it covers depends on several factors like your riding style, quality and type of the tire, weight and performance of the bike, and weather and road conditions.

The age of the tires is also a very crucial factor to consider. Rubber is prone to aging. Manufacturers recommend not to use them for more than five years. Do not forget to check them regularly and maintain the advised pressure. This ensures you get the most of the tires.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay


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