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13 Smart Home Statistics in the US (2023 Update)

Smart Home

Only a couple of decades ago, smart home devices were unheard of. However, now just about every home in the USA has some sort of smart device. While many people consider automation systems like Alexa smart devices, many other devices efficiently fly under people’s radars.

For instance, thermostats that change the temperature depending on the time of day are usually considered “smart devices.” Lightbulbs that can be dimmed or brightened by an app also fall into this category. When viewed this way, there are a lot of different smart devices out there, even if they aren’t advertised as such.

Below, we’ve listed some of the most telling statistics surrounding smart home devices. We’ll look at all smart devices, from speakers to lightbulbs.

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The 13 Smart Home Statistics

  1. 47% of millennials currently have smart home products in the USA.
  2. Nearly a quarter of all homes in the United States currently have a smart speaker (such as an Alexa speaker).
  3. Regarding smart security devices, 56% of Americans report that they are “comfortable” with them.
  4. Just under half of all smart device owners are between the ages of 18 to 34.
  5. North America currently has about 40% of the smart home market share.
  6. An estimated 5 million home smart devices will be on the market by the end of 2030.
  7. More than half of all USA homes will adopt smart gadgets by 2023.
  8. In the USA, around 118 million people use voice search at least monthly.
  9. Smart speaker use will continue to increase into the future, doubling nearly every 2 years.
  10. When a smart device is installed, the monthly savings for the home is around $98.
  11. By using smart security systems in your home, you may reduce your insurance premium by as much as 20%.
  12. Google’s voice search assistant is 95% accurate, allowing it to be used easily for most purposes.
  13. Of Americans who already have smart products, 57% of them say that these products save about 30 minutes of their time each day.
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Who Uses Smart Home Devices?

1. 47% of millennials currently have smart home products in the USA.


Almost half of all millennials in the United States already own a smart home product. A very high percentage (70%) will purchase a device shortly. Therefore, it doesn’t seem that understanding or desire stands in the way of adoption. Instead, it appears that most millennials want a smart home device but simply haven’t purchased one yet.

2. Nearly a quarter of all homes in the United States currently have a smart speaker (such as an Alexa speaker).

(Marketing Dive)

Smart speakers are one of the largest parts of the smart home market, and nearly a quarter of US homes currently have one. These gadgets do all sorts of things, so their uses vary widely. Some households hardly use them, while others fully use their functions.

3. Regarding smart security devices, 56% of Americans report that they are “comfortable” with them.

(Comfy Living)

In other words, these people claim they don’t mind using smart security devices or would use them if given the chance. However, that doesn’t mean that many people own smart security devices. Furthermore, it also leaves a large chunk of people that aren’t comfortable with them.

Smart Home
Image Credit: Aslysun, Shutterstock

4. Just under half of all smart device owners are between the ages of 18 to 34.

(Coldwell Banker)

As you’d expect, most adopters of smart device owners are in the younger demographics. This age group tends to adopt most technologies early, so it makes sense that they would have most of the smart home technology.


5. North America currently has about 40% of the smart home market share.


Currently, North America holds almost half of the smart home market share. In other words, most smart home devices are sold in North America. China also has a very large swath of the market, which represents international adoption.

divider 1 The Popularity of Smart Home Devices

6. An estimated 5 million home smart devices will be on the market by the end of 2030.


This statistic includes all smart devices currently on the market, as well as those that are expected to ship through the year 2030. Of course, most homes with one smart device also own more—while many homes don’t own many at all. Therefore, this doesn’t represent how many people will own these devices.

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Image Credit: Aslysun, Shutterstock

7. More than half of all USA homes will adopt smart gadgets by 2023.


Many experts predict that smart gadgets will be in most homes by the end of 2023. As we’ve seen in other statistics, the cost is the main obstacle to adoption. Therefore, as technology advances and prices drop, more and more people will adopt these technologies.

8. In the USA, around 118 million people use voice search at least monthly.


Generally, these searches occur on their phones. However, more and more people are using smart speakers and even their TV remotes to search the internet.

Based on the population in the USA, around 34% of American use voice search monthly. These people likely use it more than once, as well.

9. Smart speaker use will continue to increase into the future, doubling nearly every 2 years.

(Quora Creative)

It is expected that smart speaker use will grow very quickly. The number of homes with smart speakers is expected to increase by 55% in 2022. However, that statistic will continue to rise in future years. Therefore, it isn’t very long before every household in the USA uses smart speakers.

Plus, most homes with one smart speaker have several smart speakers. Therefore, the number of smart speakers in circulation will rise even more.

Credit: PIX1861, Pixabay

divider 1 Benefits of Smart Home Devices

10. When a smart device is installed, the monthly savings for the home is around $98.


Of course, this depends on the exact device installed. However, the average savings is $98 per month. While this may not seem like a lot, it adds up quickly. You can save even more if you choose smart devices that are made to save you money, such as smart thermostats and lightbulbs.

11. By using smart security systems in your home, you may reduce your insurance premium by as much as 20%.

(Comfy Living)

In some cases, home insurance companies have reduced premiums for those with smart security systems. Of course, you have to have the correct smart security system paired with the correct insurance company. However, 20% savings could potentially be quite a bit.

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Image Credit: Gorodenkoff, Shutterstock

12. Google’s voice search assistant is 95% accurate, allowing it to be used easily for most purposes.

(Let’s Think Easy)

Voice search options aren’t terribly useful if they are not accurate. Luckily, Google claims that their voice assistant is 95% accurate. Therefore, you can easily use it for most purposes. Plus, the company is constantly looking to improve their accuracy. Therefore, it is likely that you will see an improvement in accuracy in the coming years.

13. Of Americans who already have smart products, 57% of them say that these products save about 30 minutes of their time each day.


While there are not currently any studies done on exactly how much time these smart devices may potentially save, those who own them claim that they can save up to 30 minutes of their time each day. This is for all smart devices, though we expect that some do save more time than others.

If you’re looking for time-saving devices, smart devices may be a great option.

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Image Credit: NicoElNino, Shutterstock

divider 1 Frequently Asked Questions About Smart Home Devices

What are the different smart home devices?

There are many different types of smart devices out there. For instance, you’ll find smart bulbs and smart speakers at the top of the list. Smart speakers have all sorts of different features. For instance, they can be used to play music or search for things online. On the other hand, smart bulbs can be dimmed or turned on at different times.

Furthermore, smart cookers have made a comeback over the last few years. These cookers may simply turn on at certain times, but others can detect moisture content in the food, which helps them determine when the food is done. Smart refrigerators also fall into this category, though to a lesser extent.

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Image Credit: RossHelen, Shutterstock

What Brand Has the Most Smart Home Devices?

There are quite a few brands out there, and their devices usually do not move across brands. Therefore, it is vital to choose a brand that has all the smart devices that you want. Amazon Alexa has the most smart devices able to connect with it. In fact, many off-brand devices can also be connected to Amazon Alexa.

Google Assistant is the second-biggest smart home device brand. This device also connects to many other brands, allowing you to use it with many different smart devices.

What is the Most Popular Smart Device?

Currently, the most popular smart device is the smartphone, which just about everyone owns. These are extremely popular, as they were one of the first devices. Therefore, it is likely that they will remain popular for some time.

Behind the smartphone, smart speakers are the next most popular option. Amazon Echo and Google Nest are two of the most popular options. However, you’ll also find other smart speakers ranking high on the list.

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Image Credit: Zhu Difeng, Shutterstock

What Do Smart Home Devices Do?

Smart home devices do all sorts of different things. You can control your thermostat or change the color of your lightbulbs. Typically, these devices just make regular home maintenance and care a bit easier. Some of them can even save you money, such as a smart thermostat turning down the temp when you aren’t home.

Other devices are a bit more serious. For instance, smart home security systems can keep your home safe. Many of these devices work together and can connect to each other. Therefore, you can use a smart speaker to control your other devices in many cases.

How Many Smart Home Devices are There?

Currently, there are about 175 million smart home devices in the world. Most of these are in North America and China, which represent the biggest markets for these kinds of devices. Currently, China is purchasing more devices than anywhere else, so we expect that the geographical positioning of the devices will remain the same.

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There are a lot of devices out there that fall into the smart home category. As you’d imagine, this category is only continuing to grow in recent years, as more and more homes adopt smart devices. Once a household purchases their first device, they tend to purchase more. Speakers are currently one of the most popular options, likely because they can be used to control all sorts of other devices.

However, the biggest barrier to entry is currently the price of these products. Therefore, as technology advances and the price becomes cheaper, we will likely see more and more people purchasing these products.

Featured Image Credit: RossHelen, Shutterstock


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