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14 Companion Plants for Artichokes (with Pictures)

Artichokes growing in the garden

Artichokes may not be one of the most common veggies to plant. However, they are used in many yummy recipes and are pretty rewarding to grow if you have enough space. These plants need much room, so many consider companion plants to maximize their space.

Luckily, companion planting with artichokes isn’t tough. Artichokes aren’t easily bothered by other plants, though they don’t provide much help to other plants either.

With that said, these plants do have some specific soil requirements. Therefore, the best companion plants are those with similar planting needs. While many plants will work alongside artichokes, some work better than others. Let’s take a look at what those are.

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The 14 Great Companion Plants for Artichokes

1. Asparagus

farmer harvesting asparagus
Image Credit: DUSAN ZIDAR, Shutterstock
  • Growing Zone: 3 – 8

Asparagus works well beside artichokes because they actively grow at different times. Therefore, they won’t bother each other. They also need the exact soil requirements so they work well together. However, asparagus doesn’t work well in all geographical areas, so be sure that you can safely grow it in your area before deciding to plant it.

2. Brassica Family

man planting broccoli
Image Credit: tamu1500, Shutterstock
  • Growing Zone: Varies

Any plant in the brassica family will perform well next to artichokes. However, you must ensure that you position the plant out of the artichoke’s shade, so they get enough sun to grow. There are many different plants in this category, so you have many to choose from—for instance, broccoli, arugula, collard greens, kale, radishes, rutabaga, and watercress.

3. Corn

Watering a corn seedling_Yuri Skvortsov_Shutterstock
Image Credit: Yuri Skortsov, Shutterstock
  • Growing Zone: 3 – 11

If you plant corn on the west side of your artichoke plants, the corn will provide some shade during the hottest part of the day. This pairing is one of the few options that help the artichoke plants. However, the artichoke won’t help the corn very much, on the other hand.

4. Cucumbers

Image Credit: Sweetaholic, Pixabay
  • Growing Zone: 4 – 12

The artichoke plant works well as a trellis for cucumbers, assuming they are mature. Both of these plants need the same general soil, as well. For instance, they need soil that drains well and a continuous water supply. Therefore, they grow well together.

5. Peas

snap peas
Image Credit: Trygve Finkelsen, Shutterstock
  • Growing Zone: 3 – 11

Artichokes are heavy feeders that require many nutrients. Peas, on the other hand, are not. Therefore, they work well together because they won’t take nutrients from the other plant. Plus, peas add nitrogen to the soil, which can be pretty helpful for the artichoke plant.

6. Sunflowers

sunflowers in the garden
Image Credit: Piqsels
  • Growing Zone: 4 – 9

Sunflowers can perform well when put next to artichokes, as they require different nutrients. Furthermore, you can plant them on the artichokes’ western side to provide shade. However, the artichokes don’t provide much benefit to the sunflowers, but they won’t bother them, either.

7. Tarragon

Image Credit: surrendernate. Pixabay
  • Growing Zone: 4 or warmer

Tarragon works well for artichokes because they don’t require the same resources. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about them competing. They don’t offer much benefit, but you don’t have to worry about one taking fertilizer from the other is a huge plus.

8. Vetch

Vetch blossom plant
Image Credit: Pxhere
  • Growing Zone: 4 or warmer

Vetch isn’t popular. However, it adds nitrogen to the soil, which is necessary for artichokes. Therefore, if you like this veggie, you may want to consider planting it near your artichoke. However, provide enough sunlight, as the artichoke can overgrow and quickly cover it.

9. Violets

Common blue violet
Image Credit: WikiImages, Pixabay
  • Growing Zone: 3 – 9

Violets are an excellent companion plant if you’re looking for something more aesthetic than practical. Violets don’t need tons of sunlight and do well in similar soil as the artichoke. Therefore, they can be put alongside artichokes with ease.

10. Yarrow

Image Credit: pixel2013, Pixabay
  • Growing Zone: 3 – 9

Common yarrow is very common in the United States. While this plant isn’t efficient, it has several herbal uses. It is also a beautiful flower and doesn’t require much care. Therefore, this low-maintenance companion plant is a great option to put alongside artichoke.

11. Queen Anne’s Lace

Queen Ann's Lace flowers
Image Credit: David Wagner, PublicDomainPictures
  • Growing Zone: 3 – 9

Queen Anne’s Lace is a timeless biennial plant that can add some classic beauty to your garden. However, the vast, lacey flowers can grow up to 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide. Therefore, give it plenty of room alongside your artichoke, or they may fight each other for space.

12. Nasturtium

nasturtium plant
Image Credit: AKuptsova, Pixabay
  • Growing Zone: 9 – 11

These annual flowers are funnel-shaped and have about five petals each. Eight known species are all recognizable due to their bright coloration. These flowers come in a variety of colors, from red to yellow. Their leaves also look like lily pads, growing up to 7 inches wide. These flowers are a great option to grow around your artichoke if you ensure they get enough sunlight.

13. Marigolds

Image Credit: Marjonhorn, Pixabay
  • Growing Zone: 2 – 11

Marigolds are well-known by most gardeners thanks to their pretty colors and straightforward care. They’re an excellent option for beginners, as they are pretty hard to kill. They are also self-seeding, which means they may replant themselves yearly.

There are several types of marigolds, and not all of them will do well everywhere. African marigolds are taller and better able to withstand the size of an artichoke. However, they are drought-resistant and may not do best with constant watering. Bushier French marigolds tolerate more moisture and may be a better option.

14. Hollyhock

Image By: Couleur, Pixabay
  • Growing Zone: 3 – 9

These humble flowers aren’t as common as others on this list. However, they used to be extremely common on rural farms and similar areas. Today, they are used less often, though they are still an excellent option for a cottage garden or along a fence.

These plants thrive easily and are incredibly low maintenance. Plus, they seed aggressively, so you usually only have to plant them once. After that, they come back year after year in most cases.

Worst Companion Plants

Artichokes require regular watering and well-draining soil. Therefore, the worst companion plants would be those that don’t match these needs. If a plant prefers drier conditions, you don’t need to plant it near an artichoke.

Furthermore, artichokes are heavy feeders. We don’t recommend planting them near other heavy feeders. After all, you don’t want to deplete the soil by putting many heavy feeders near each other.

Be cautious regarding larger plants, as well. Artichokes are pretty significant. Therefore, if you plant another large plant near them, they can quickly crowd each other. If you plant another large plant, be sure they have enough room.

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Many plants can be safely planted alongside artichokes. The best companion plants can use an artichoke’s size to their advantage (or at least not be bothered by it). Artichokes prefer moist soil and regular watering. Therefore, the plants you put alongside them should be too.

Artichokes are also heavy feeders. Therefore, the companion plants put alongside them should add nitrogen to the soil or feed on different nutrients. Taller plants like corn and sunflowers do well in hotter areas where shade in the height of summer may be helpful.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Magda Ehlers, Pexels


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